Paulie, you’ve made it! How do you feel going into Survivor and what will you bring to the tribe?
I cannot believe this is real life. You dream of moments like this so when they actually become reality it’s such a surreal feeling. I’m feeling 70% excited 20% terrified and 10% hungry. My contributions to the brawn tribe are going to consist of witty banter, sarcasm, and amazing stories by the fire. Physically, I’m going to bring endurance, speed, a six pack and the smallest pair of speedo’s I can find.
As a paramedic, connecting with people comes naturally to you. Will you use that to your advantage? Should the other contestants be cautious around you?
I would say connecting with people comes naturally to me because of who I am as a person and what was taught to me as a kid by my mum. Listening with some understanding and a side of no judging are the ingredients to connecting with people. Learning this is what makes me such a great paramedic. I will be taking full advantage of this within the game. It’s the key to the crown. The other contestants won’t have a chance to be cautious around me as they will be too busy eating out of the palm of my hand.
Who is your ultimate Australian Survivor player and why?
Can I have two? Simon from the OG Brains v Brawn and Feras from Titans v Revels are my icons. I stan both of them for different reasons. Simon is my physical aspiration, he’s fast, strong and a quick thinker on his feet. He’s also so loveable and charming. What’s not to love? Feras I adore for his smooth game play. He knows when to be big and when to sit back and let things unfold on their own. Sometimes the best move you can make is no move at all and I think he’s outstanding at recognising this.
How do you think you’ll handle the mental exhaustion that comes with the game?
Look I’m not going to lie, in my regular life I’m very regimented and well fed. I eat (a lot) at regular times, I sleep and train on a very tight schedule so not having this routine and structure is going to be a real test. I’m as prepared as I can be for it mentally but until you’re actually feeling the physical effect of the exhaustion you just don’t know how you’re going to react. I’d like to say it’s going to be a breeze, but I’ll probably end up crying into my very small serving of rice and beans.
Is there anything you’ve seen contestants do in past seasons that makes you shake your fist angrily at the TV and swear you would never do?
Nothing makes me more angry than when contestants play an idol incorrectly. First of all, keep it yourself! Second of all, use it wisely. I cannot tell you the amount of shoes I’ve thrown at the TV when I see past contestants throw away such a huge advantage in the game. I promise you this, if I find one and I play incorrectly, I’m voting myself out.
If you could bring one item from home to help you on the island, what would it be?
Oh easy. The biggest tub on Nutella I could find. You know those big buckets they use at pancake shops. One of them. Not only will it feed my body with energy for challenges, but it will feed my soul! However, if that one item could be alive, it would be my sheepadoodle, Cosmo. He’s a good hunter and loves cuddles so he can keep me warm at night. Plus, who would vote out the guy with the dog? No one.