
Exclusive digital only tenpole or sport sponsorship solution, available to Tier 1 sponsors of selected programming.

Trivia is an interactive quiz that invites viewers to answer up to 5 x curated questions relevant to key programming, designed to further embed a brand directly into a premium program environment, driving deeper engagement with viewers.

  1. Sponsor brand TVC begins, in VOD environment

A CTA appears, prompting viewers to click ‘OK” on their remote, to test their show-knowledge via a tentpole skinned interactive quiz, ‘brought to you by’ the sponsor

  1. The viewer is taken to a full-screen ad-experience, and instructed to answer min. 3 and max 5 x questions using their remote

Viewers click ‘OK’ to start the quiz

  1. Viewers are given 10-seconds to choose from up to 4 x response options, by clicking ‘OK’ on their remote

The screen will display if the response is correct/incorrect and automatically move to the next question

  1. At the conclusion of the quiz, the end frame will display the total number of correct answers out of 5

For Sponsors, the End-Frame offers a unique opportunity to include tailored brand messaging aligned to Trivia result

Think/ Bespoke offers for correct answers etc

  1. Users can either ‘replay’ the quiz or exit the Trivia experience to return to the sponsor brand TVC.

    If they choose to exit the quiz, the sponsor brand TVC resumes



  • Video in HD aspect ratio (16:9), minimum resolution 1280×720
  • Max Video Duration 15 or 30 seconds
  • Frame Rate: 23.98 (23.976), 24, 25, 29, 97 or 30fps
  • No black bars
  • Constant Bit Rate 10-40 Mbps
  • No black bars
  • Interlaced video is not accepted
  • Constant Bit Rate 10-40 Mbps
  • Max size 10 GB
  • 3rd party VAST impression tracking supported

Video File Types

  • .mp4 (H.264 High Profile) – preferred
  • .mov (Apple ProRes 422 or Apple ProRes 422 HQ)


  • Raw High-Res Key Art / Artwork – PSD / layered files
  • High Res Images – JPEG / PNG / PSD / EPS
  • Logos – PNG / EPS
  • Brand Fonts
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Maximum 3 rounds of changes, final changes must be received no later than 5 business days prior to live date
  • Four templatised layout options (2, 3, 4 or 5 video tiles)
  • Max 5 videos. Each video minutes 15 seconds – max 5 minutes
  • QR codes not accepted
  • CTV (VOD only)
  • Please contact your Paramount ANZ Sales representative for a PREMIUM FORMATS DESIGN BRIEF FORM, 23 business days prior to live date

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