10 play skins


The ad can only be served by Paramount ANZ

Canvas: 1636×1300 px

Dimension Skins: 318×1300 px (left) and 318×1300 px (right)  

Publisher content space: 1000 px

File Format: JPG, PNG

Max File Size: 100 Kb

Safe Zone Messaging 136×700 px

Additional Instructions

  1. The creative should be designed in a way that the background should fill the whole 1636×1300 px area
  2. Please provide Hex colour of the background
  3. It is recommended to include a Fade to Transparent gradient 10px from the edge of side/ bottom of the skins
  4. We can accept a single 3rd party impression tag, and a single click tracking tag for each creative size
  5. Cannot be Third Party Served
  6. On the canvas, by default, the publisher content space is 1000 pixels (10 play). Ad content within this space will not be shown on the ad. Please keep this space as white
  7. The final skin should be exported as a single image (1636×1300 px)


Creative must be provided at least 3 working days prior to campaign commencement

Late Submissions

Any late units may delay launch or affect total campaign delivery

Further Notes

Files related to alcohol, wagering, competitions and promotions, pharmaceuticals or any material damaging the user experience will be subject to additional review by Paramount ANZ

** Skins are designed for optimal viewing on Desktop **

Design Templates:



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