Fitspo in iso. Aerobics Oz Style is back!

April 20, 2020

The year was 1982. Michael Jackson released his second solo album, Thriller, TIME Magazine’s Man of the Year was awarded to The Computer and ET phoned home. But above all, Australia’s greatest exercise and fitness show was born: Aerobics Oz Style.

Set across Sydney’s most iconic locations, June Jones and her bevy of lycra-loving fitness instructors were there to get Australia moving every morning (even the kids who awoke too early to start watching Cheez TV).

Pacing us through those gentle-yet-effective heel taps, the complicated grapevines and powerful knee lifts, it was this troop who provided fitspo well before the active wearing influencers of today.

Speaking of active wear, let’s not overlook the fitness fashion. From the high-cut leotards to the matching metallics and the whitest sneakers you’ve ever seen, these instructors had it all.

So now, as we continue to stay indoors and kid ourselves into thinking we still fit into our jeans, it’s the perfect time to log on to 10 Play and get re-acquainted with these aerobic legends.

Ask yourself, if you’re not working out Aerobics Oz Style, are you even working out?

Aerobics Oz Style.
Available To Stream On 10 Play.