Checking In With Daniel Walsh

April 21, 2020

While many of us are at home, we thought we’d use the time check in on some of our brilliant team members, find out a little more about them, why TV makes them tick and what they see coming up next for our industry. Kicking things off is Sales Executive Daniel Walsh.

Q: Let’s open with a simple one: what made you fall in love with TV?

A: My father has worked in the television industry for 25+ years now, as an Executive Producer. Some of my earliest childhood memories were formed running around the Nine Network studios. I remember being in awe of the network operations – cameras, microphones, blinking lights on the video and audio mixers, and entire rooms filled with VHS tapes – all that fun legacy TV stuff. I always looked up to my dad and thought he had the coolest job in the world. Maybe I fell in love with TV because it’s in my DNA!

Q: Had you always planned to work in TV? Tell us about how you got to 10.

A: I can’t say I planned on working in TV, however, I did always envision myself working a sales role. I learnt the ropes working for Nine as a Sales Coordinator and within about 12 months was promoted to Sales Executive. My next move was to Southern Cross Austereo, to work for the regional TV arm of the business where I continued to sell the Nine signal as a rebroadcaster. After a couple of years at SCA I was due for a change. I made the switch to 10 and haven’t looked back since.

Q: Any unique tidbits or insights you’ve picked up living your life around TV?

A: The amount of effort that goes into pulling off a TV production is absolutely immense – the audience only sees the shiny final product, which is just the tip of the iceberg. Some of the big reality formats can have up to 200+ people working on them full-time, for several months. The coordination required is staggering. Each frame of footage is then heavily scrutinised and carefully polished before it’s finally delivered to our screens. I think miracles happen every day in TV.

Q: What do you think is important to know when selling TV? 

A: That free-to-air TV advertising works, and we can prove it! Despite what some say, TV remains one of the most powerful and trusted advertising media and continues to be irreplaceable in our clients’ marketing mix. Knowing this, you can back yourself and speak confidently about your product and brand. Understand the data and case studies that support why TV is so effective and how it’s a must for advertisers that want to drive mass reach and build their brand. Learn how to communicate how awesome and all-powerful television is and you will go places. Most of all, familiarise yourself with the content you are selling (watch TV!); this will make you much more effective as a salesperson.

Q: And what is it about 10 that grabbed you the most?

A: Apart from Big Brother back in the day (Friday Night Games with Mike Goldman!), 10’s 2020 programming slate caught my eye – 52 weeks of strong and proven programming with no gaps. I was impressed and knew that advertisers would be as well. Last year the market craved consistency and reliability in a TV schedule and 10 is set to deliver this in 2020. The network is also young at heart which is hard not to love. This is expressed through our content and corporate values as well. 10 has nailed the “culture” thing if you ask me.

Q: What’s next for TV in your opinion?

A: Despite the increase in audience fragmentation I maintain the belief that the future is bright for free-to-air TV. Until another player can deliver on mass in the way TV can, it will continue to play an indispensable role for advertisers well into the future. We are making great improvements in adtech, which is making transacting television for our clients easier than ever before. Coupling this with a new total TV reporting standard, we now have a complete picture of how audiences consume TV content, which is invaluable for advertisers and media agencies. Most of all, content is king and while we continue to create great content, eyeballs will follow.

Q: What’s next for Daniel?

A: In the short to medium term, the goal is to put more time under my belt at 10 and continue learn the ins and outs of the business. However, a position as Group Sales Manager is the dream job. I know with the right support network and mentors, I can make this a reality soon.

Q: Any general advice?

A: Your personal brand in market is everything – demonstrate that you are trustworthy, knowledgeable and well-informed through your actions. Be the rep that your clients call first for an expert opinion. Read the trade media, network with all departments, and be interested in all things to do with our industry. This will help you to see how you fit into the bigger picture and the important role that you play. It will also make for smarter conversations with your clients and will help you build trust as an expert in your craft. Couple this with delivering a high level of customer service to your clients and you have a winning combination.

Q: And finally, what’s been getting you through isolation? Any recommendations?

A: Laugh if you will. I have found that on the days that I need a motivational boost I get “dressed for work” which will include a collared shirt. It helps put me in the zone. I am also drinking more coffee than I would otherwise. I am not comfortable disclosing publicly how many per day. Ha!