TikTok Tips with Beau Greig

February 10, 2023

Are you from the same generation as those damn Dawson’s River kids and think that TikTok is an Arnott’s biscuit? Are you nailing TikTok but need a little help going from tried to trend?

Enter Beau Greig. The Social Wizard shares her tips on how you can make the most out of the app!

Why do people love TikTok?

  1. People love TikTok because the content is relatable.
  2. It’s also easy to consume as trending TikToks are usually really short and sweet (no more than 15 seconds). In the modern age, people have short attention spans and scroll past things that don’t grab them instantly.
  3. It’s also a very accessible platform, anyone with a phone camera has a chance of becoming TikTok famous. You don’t need high-end equipment or huge sums of money, just simple, funny, helpful, or interesting content.

What makes a TikTok trend?

TikTok trends need to be simple for people of all skill levels and ages, such as easy dance choreography.

For example, the Wednesday dance was a hugely popular trend and involved mostly simple arm movements that could most people could copy – not just professional dancers.

Another good example of a TikTok trend is simple pranks which can be filmed by anyone with a phone camera. For example, these women tricking their partners into picking up a feminine hygiene product which doesn’t exist!

Hacks are TikTok trends that teach people something useful. For example hacks for hair styles, cleaning, makeup, clothes, recipes, or just general life.

What makes a good TikTok?

  • Ideally, TikToks need to be formatted in 9:16 spec (or portrait) to fit the page.
  • They should be no longer than 15 seconds – otherwise people will scroll past them.
  • The thumbnail should be a highpoint from the video.
  • People love to laugh, learn or try it for themselves!

What is your favourite topic to follow?

I quite enjoy TikTok hacks, for example how to fold certain items to make them look more aesthetic.

I think they’re really satisfying, and I aspire to be this organised!

What is your favourite TikTok of all time?

This was a really hard one for me, but here is my favourite TikTok of all time.

It’s relatable, it’s funny and it centers on family dynamics. It’s not the most high-quality video but it captures that family’s humour and familiarity.