Have You Met Tori?

August 29, 2023

It’s an exciting week this week, with the launch of Pluto TV FAST (Free Ad-Supported Television) channels on 10 Play! So, we thought we’d settle in for a chat with Tori Bennett, Digital Content Lead (AVOD & FAST), NSW.

We caught up with Tori over a celebratory bottle of 2012 vintage Veuve and a couple cheeky lobster rolls, as she told us about the launch and how much work is involved in bringing all this brand-new content to our viewers.

Tell us about Pluto TV FAST (Free Ad-Supported Television) channels and what this will mean for viewers.

After months of work from a number of teams across Australia, Europe and the US, 10 Play will be launching new Pluto TV FAST channels this Thursday!

In total, we’ll have 51 FAST channels on 10 Play that give us a distinctly unique and quality offering. They’ll sit alongside our broadcast channels and pop-up sporting events, and we’ll have a big mix of content from Nickelodeon, MTV and CBS as well as some Channel 10 favourites.

After months and months of meticulous planning within the programming team (shoutout to Sam and Azar in acquisitions), we’ve ended up with such a good mix of channels that audiences will be spoilt for choice. It’s really exciting!

What’s the process behind a launch like this? How much work goes into the backend and how far in advance do you have to start implementing?

Work for the Pluto TV FAST channels launch started months ago, with a small team of us working on the project since Q1. But, it has been all hands-on deck since Q2.

It’s been a huge project that so many teams have been involved in and it has required so much hard work. We’ve worked with teams from all the far corners of the globe, from completely different time zones, who have worked on all the backend coding, thousands of hours of content and programming, and marketing materials.

Pluto TV FAST channel’s amazing project manager, MaryAnna, who lives in LA, has been known to attend many midnight meetings to accommodate all the right people from different countries. Not only are we launching brand new channels (which in itself is mammoth), but we’re also launching a whole new interface on the Live TV page. It’s a big week!

What are you most looking forward to about Pluto TV?

I’m most looking forward to literally flicking the switch in our CMS (content management system) with the 10 Play tech team on Thursday morning, and setting the channels from draft to published.  It’ll be so satisfying.

We’ve been talking about some of these channels for a very long time, so just to know that they will finally get to be enjoyed on 10 Play will be amazing. After weeks of testing and trying to perfect everything on the Live TV page, just seeing the channels go live will be a huge win for all of us that have worked on it.

I do also have to say though, the new Live TV interface is really exciting to see. It shows off the channels we’ve created so well and really sets us apart from other platforms. Our product and tech team have nailed it.

What do you love most about your job?

The people! Everyone that works on 10 Play (either directly or indirectly) are amazing to work with.

Everyone is willing to lend a helping hand, teach and learn. They also have great energy. There’s never a dull moment, and rarely a meeting (no matter how serious the subject) without a good giggle involved by the end of it.

Also, in terms of things I do day to day, it really is pretty fun creating a FAST channel and choosing the programming that goes within it and then seeing it thrive. Nick Rewind is my childhood viewing wrapped up in one little channel and was brewing for a very long time.

Do you have a mentor, or someone who inspires your career?

Absolutely. Many of them! I’ve been incredibly lucky to be surrounded by amazing managers and leaders who may not manage me directly, but have been there to mentor me.  They’ve encouraged me to pitch ideas, use my voice and find the confidence to own what I’m doing.

I started as an intern at the network six and a half years ago and absolutely wouldn’t be at the point I’m at without those incredible leaders who have very kindly encouraged me to “own it”.

Also, importantly, shoutout to the ones who have leant a very understanding and supportive ear in times of need… you know who you are.

Do you have a unique hobby or hidden talent?

I’ve been told that I am incredibly talented at choosing the perfect GIF for any situation. *inserts GIF of dog with small smile*

What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

You know you’re in the right job when you’re constantly learning and growing in an environment that makes you smile regularly.