BCF’ing Results With 360 Integration

December 8, 2022

Sponsorships and integrations with a 360-degree approach on 10’s fan-favourite reality shows, packs a punch for brands on every level. Whether it’s in show, in ad breaks, across broadcast or social media platforms, we’ve got powerful levers available to deliver meaningful results for brands.

And our track record proves the impact we have for advertisers that partner with us.

Everyone’s family favourite I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia, did just that for BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing

As the #1 show in its timeslot for adults co-viewing with children and for viewers in the top income, this campaign got families planning their holiday adventures with some BCF’ing inspo on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia.


In the lead up to the live broadcast of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia, BCF was integrated in the end tag of show promos, starting to build the brand association with our leaned-in audience.

During the series, celebrity campers enjoyed jungle adventures with priority BCF products as a part of bespoke integrations, experiences and challenges.

In-program BCF’ing Fun play offs replayed the integration on live broadcast as well as our BVOD 10 Play where viewers caught up on the show, making sure no matter how fans our watched the show, they got all the BCF’ing action.

IDs, TVCs and Billboards

Then for all the feels we created Feel Good IDs to engage viewers in the partnership and talk about what feels good to do on their holidays further cementing BCF brand association with holidays and vacation activities.

And we helped BCF TV commercials work smarter with strategic placement with position in break alongside integrated moments building authentic positive brand messages with a clear consumer call to action.

Integrated billboards using in-show vision highlighted BCF’s priority messaging and was backed in with integrated five second program IDs adjacent to billboards to aid brand recall with our engaged fans.

And they’re not just fans, they’re super fans or heavy viewers meaning they watch at least two-thirds of the season and for I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia that’s a whopping 89% of viewers.

That’s unparalleled brand impact with an engaged audience for our sponsorship partners.

Social Media and Marketing

Audiences love to like, share, post, tweet, watch and talk about I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia on social media too.

  • On Facebook this year the show reached 16.7 million people on Facebook globally and had 22.4 million video minutes viewed.
  • It had 12.6 million Tik Tok video views and 1.26 million engagements and 28,000 new followers.
  • And it’s one of the top five most talked about shows on Twitter in Australia.

We leveraged this incredible social media footprint with digital and social extensions adding reach and fan engagement with carefully crafted content that amplified BCF program moments.

Plus, integrated marketing activity throughout the series offered BCF prizes to engaged fans.

We leveraged this incredible social media footprint with digital and social extensions adding reach and fan engagement with carefully crafted content that amplified BCF program moments.

Plus, integrated marketing activity throughout the series offered BCF prizes to engaged fans.

The whole campaign was expertly curated, adeptly delivered and on brand at all touch points. Mary Fitzsimon, Marketing Coordinator, BCF said: “The IAC partnership, has been a natural fit for BCF. Our customers are enjoying all things Boating, Camping, Fishing more than ever before. So, the IAC partnership, has been the perfect opportunity to highlight our wide range of quality products.”

Talk to us today

If this has whet your appetite for integration opportunities, then talk to our Sales team today.

We cannot wait for I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Australia to be back in the South African jungle in Easter 2023 with celebrities we know our audiences will fall in love with and crazy challenges they’ll love to laugh at.

Find out how our sponsorships and 360-degree integrations can make your brand connect with our passionate fans but be quick, spots are booking fast.